Lets talk aesthetics and how they can change the way people, think feel and work. The experts believe that the aesthetics of a workplace environment say a lot to employees and customers. 

Without spending out, there are some simple adjustments that can be made, taking full advantage of your workplace aesthetics.



Studies have shown that improving the amount of natural light into a workspace can have a direct impact on productivity and lifting people’s moods. Whether it’s a home office or larger office area, drawing in as much natural light as possible will more then likely increase people’s attention therefore increase productivity. 

If bringing in natural light into a space is not possible then there are some alternatives. You should try softer, less fluorescent lighting making it feel more ambient, or even individual desk lamps can give a more personal but warmer office feel. 




The use of greenery in a working area massively aids the workplace aesthetics. Plants can improve on air quality, lower stress, reduce bacteria and even help protect against some illness. 

Lets face it who wouldn’t enjoy making their workspace more pleasing to the eye with some greenery! There are many plants that don’t need much maintenance and will mostly look after themselves: Ferns, Ivies, Cacti or Peace Lilies are perfect for those workplace / home working environments. 




It’s important for employees to feel comfortable in there workspace as this is where they spend 90% of their working day! So allowing them to have some room to personalise their own space will help with motivation and morale and more then anything make them happy. 

Little simple things like photos, plants, posters or other small desk accessories will do the trick. You will be surprised at how these little things make a big difference with people’s well being and boosting employee performance. 

The use of co-working spaces can also enhance workplace aesthetics and are optimised for productivity. This gives employees the diversity of meeting new people, networking and creating more opportunities to collaborate.


 Making a Difference


Any of these small changes will enhance the workplace aesthetics giving you and your employees greater workplace satisfaction. Offering a workspace that uses natural elements and speaks the needs of your employees is definitely a valuable Investment to any company. 

Your teams will be happier, stronger and more motivated. I’d say it’s well worth those little personal touches, some new lighting and a few potted plants.


